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Capstone Project Submission Requirements

Project Proposal:

Each capstone project must include a detailed project proposal outlining the objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes of the project. The proposal should clearly articulate the problem statement, proposed solution, target audience, and anticipated impact.

Alignment with GHLF's Mission:

Projects must align with the mission and goals of the Global Healthcare Leaders Foundation, focusing on advancing healthcare excellence, promoting innovation, and most important, improving patient outcomes.

Workstreams of SOLVE

  1. Innovation and Technology
    "Pioneering Healthcare Solutions Through Innovation and Technology"

  2. Social Responsibility
    "Empowering Communities Through Healthcare Advocacy and Social Responsibility."

  3. Education
    "Empowering Tomorrow's Healthcare Leaders Through Education and Mentorship."

  4. Research
    "Driving Healthcare Innovation Through Cutting-Edge Research and Discovery."

Model | Strategy | Plan

Business Plan: 

 A comprehensive business plan is required for all capstone projects, outlining the project's business model, revenue streams, market analysis, and scalability. The business plan should demonstrate a clear understanding of the project's commercial viability and sustainability. 



A simple financial model must accompany the capstone project submission, providing projections for revenue, expenses, cash flow, and return on investment (ROI). The financial model should be realistic, transparent, and based on reasonable assumptions. 


Leadership Commitment:  

The author(s) of the capstone project must demonstrate a commitment to leading the project from conception to implementation. While support and resources will be provided by GHLF, the author(s) are expected to play an active and leading role in driving the project forward. 


Project Management Plan: 

 A project management plan outlining the timeline, milestones, and key deliverables of the project is required. The plan should demonstrate the author's ability to effectively manage and execute the project within the allocated timeframe and budget. 


Innovative Approach:  

Capstone projects should demonstrate an innovative approach to addressing healthcare challenges and driving positive change. Projects that leverage new technologies, novel methodologies, or creative solutions will be given preference. 

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